HW Creativity

I will chose to start with a quote as I will use it as the backbone of my post, "Technology companies have been the most active in relying on others to innovate for them. This is in large part because the Internet lets people exchange ideas easily and rapidly with large groups".

In today's world we got used to everything here now and fast, innovation is a key to success of big corporations, I think probably and most likely the most common word in the past two years is innovation. But innovation is hard... most startup companies even those with some great ideas find them selfs closing shop after 1-2 years. Innovation and creativity found a new way to be formed using websites like gofundme.com, kickstarter.com and more crowd funding websites... it allows entrepreneurs to move faster and to see if their idea has a market or not. Another good example is people who use Pintrest, which is an inspirational board in different subjects from cooking, crafts, fashion, to DIY projects and simple memes, which means that it will be a lot easier to find audience for your latest creative idea.


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