Project Proposal - Virtual Reality

For my final project I would like to do an analysis of Virtual Reality as a new medium of content consumption. I would like to compare it's pros and cons. Virtual Reality holds great advantages but in the same time poses new types of threats for our own security and those who surround us.

I will look into user privacy, moral aspects and how VR can help our every day life.


  1. I think thats really cool that you are writing about virtual reality. Virtual reality is the future, and I think its very exciting to see what the world has in store for us as we continue to make progress and revolutionize the way we live.

  2. I look forward to reading more about New media and finding out if the pros outweighs the cons. I feel like we give up so much of what was once considered personal and private in order to be a part of a online community and take advantage of new media platforms. .For example pre- ordering your Star Bucks coffer on your way to work and being able to pay online and pick up without wasting time standing in line. I must say living off the grid does not appeal to me because I like the convenience of all the devices and apps


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